Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers: Theory and Design

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Over the past decade, great strides have been made in the technology of microwave oscillators and synthesizers, with digital frequency synthesizers in particular attracting much attention. These synthesizers are now being used in virtually all modern signal generators and radio communication equipment. Until now, however, detailed information about their design has been hard to come by-much of it scattered through journal articles-and most books on the subject have taken a primarily theoretical approach. Enter Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers-the first book to emphasize both practical circuit information from RF to millimeter-wave frequencies and up-to-date theory. Based on course material taught by author Ulrich L. Rohde at George Washington University and recent work done by the author at Compact Software, Inc. and Synergy Microwave Corporation, this volume is a complete revision and update of Rohde's landmark text, Digital PLL Frequency Synthesizers: Theory and Design. While it provides all the necessary theory and formulas, it also offers an in-depth look at the practical side of the phase-lock loop (PLL) in synthesizers-including special loops, loop components, and practical circuits-material that is not available in any other book. Rohde explains loop fundamentals, demonstrates the linear approach to oscillator phase noise, discusses the digital direct synthesizer technique, addresses low noise oscillator design, and provides insight into the role and design of crystal oscillators, mixers, phase/frequency discriminators, wideband high-gain amplifiers, programmable dividers, and loop filters. He goes on to cover conventional multiloop synthesizers and survey existing state-of-the-art microwave synthesizer applications. Extensive appendices review the mathematics of useful functions and various applications, including even the complex nonlinear theory of noise in large signal systems such as mixers and oscillators. Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers allows anyone with a PC running either Windows 3.11 or Windows NT to explore real-world design. It uses programs for the solution of digital phase-lock loop systems, tabulates the results, and shows how Bode diagrams are determined by the computer's graphic capabilities. It also includes examples using commercially available linear and nonlinear CAD programs to provide accurate evaluation and optimization of oscillators and other useful circuits and many practical charts. For companies involved in test and communication equipment, this book reduces design and research costs by providing a large number of proven circuits and expediting the design process. It is also an outstanding senior/graduate level textbook for electrical engineering students and an invaluable resource for practicing engineers, senior engineers, and managers who would like to be able to evaluate new trends and techniques in the field.

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Customer Buzz
 "Great information, very poorly conveyed" 2003-11-07
I agree with earlier reviewers that the book is hard to follow and does not have a coherent line of delivery of the material. Nonetheless, the content is excellent, with many valuable insights and information. My impression is that the author has great expertise in the material but was either rushed or careless in the writing of the book.

Customer Buzz
 "Inattention to detail" 2001-08-09
By page eight of this book I had already found many errors, omissions and notational inconsistencies. Explanations are poor and the writing style sloppy. The book does however cover a wide range of material and has a good bibliography, but my advice would be to check everything you use from this book.

Customer Buzz
 "Caution..." 2000-05-30
I found this book very difficult to follow. There are far too many mathematical derivations, and little explanation about what the equations derived are useful for. It is an extremely specialist book and not really for general reading. A lot of material is presented, but it is poorly described.

Customer Buzz
 "An excellent reference source for synthesizer design" 1999-10-16
I pass along the review by Johann Klier in News from Rohde & Schwarz, Number 159 (1998/III):

The book gives a comprehensive picture of synthesizer technology. It not only deals with the underlying theory but also provides numerous practical examples of circuits, many of them implemented by Rohde & Schwarz. The author explains the fundamentals of phase-locked loops, describes the linear model for calculating oscillator phase noise, looks at the design of low-noise oscillators and deals in detail with further PLL components such as crystal oscillators, mixers, phase detectors, loop filters and programmable frequency dividers. The noise characteristics of these components are treated in great detail.

Other chapters are devoted to multiloop synthesizers, direct digital synthesis, the fractional-N technique and high-performance, hybrid synthesizers. With each chapter there is a comprehensive reference list including patents. The book concludes with an in-depth mathematical treatise that includes the complex theory of noise in mixers and oscillators. Thus it covers practically every aspect of synthesizer technology. All in all the book is an excellent reference source for anyone involved in synthesizer design.

Customer Buzz

 "Generally good but quality is patchy. Some errors+omissions." 1998-08-23
Most of this book is very good but the some sections contain gross errors and omissions. The short section on crystal impedance bridge oscillators refers to 2 diagrams that have been omitted. There is the occasional typesetting error where a group of words are run together. Also some sections suffer from an apparent lack of proof reading in that occasionally the wrong word is used (even though the spelling is correct!). The component labels in some diagrams do not correspond to those used in the text and in some cases the same label is used for two sparate components. Erroneous conclusions about the SSB phase noise floor of a crystal oscillator where the output signal is extracted by running the crystal current through a common base stage. Leeson's equation for the SSB phase noise floor is incorrectly applied to derive an SSB phase noise floor about 10 dB worse than that obtained in practice. Instead of blindly applying this formula a return to first principles to calculate the common base stage output noise and signal currents at frequencies outside the crystal bandwidth allows the SSB phase noise floor to be easily computed. This method also provides good insight into the important contributors to the SSB phase noise floor and how to minimise them.These shortcomings, whilst annoying, don't greatly detract from the overall utility of this book, provided that the reader has some previous experience in the field.

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